Seminarios del IPP: Programación de otoño de 2023
Sala Herbert Simon 3D, 12:00 hrs
20 de septiembre
Por Tom Lane (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)
The strategic use of social identity
27 de septiembre
Antonia María Ruiz Jiménez. (Dpto de Sociología, Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Theorising gender voting gaps. Do 'feminism losers' vote for right-wing populist parties?
4 de octubre
Vicente Valentim, Nuffield College (University of Oxford)
Why norms matter: The normalisation of the radical right
11 de octubre
Leire Salazar, Lead Scientist of the DIGCLASS Centre for Advanced Studies (JRC European Comission)
Universal Inheritance in four EU countries: Distributional and Budgetary Impact
18 de octubre
Krzysztof Krakowski (Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Elite Repression and popular resistance: Evidence from post-WW2 Poland
8 de noviembre
Michele Pezzoni (Université Cote d'Azur)
Technologies fly on the wings of science: Exploring the role of science in technologies’ spatial evolution
22 de noviembre
Marc Guinjoan (UOC)
Climate conditions, public policies and attitudes towards mitigation policies. A survey experiment
29 de noviembre CANCELADO
Mafalda Pratas (Harvard University)
Rationally foregoing accountability: how voters decide in a multidimensional and polarized world
13 de diciembre
Aina Gallego (UB y IBEI)
Public Support for Digital Economy Initiatives